Script Work Progress
Scene One:
Caroline: Oh, I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow! No, no, calm down Caroline. Calm down and get through this day. And… oh right, tomorrow I'm not gonna have bone soup any more!
CM: My little angel is marrying that stupid Eric… What a shame to my whole family! Eric is not reliable. He is just a poor Bahamian janitor, but my baby Caroline is a school English teacher! There is no way for him to give my daughter a better future. Caroline? Caroline! Where are you! Your bone soup is ready! Carolin!
Caroline (enters the kitchen): Alright alright, I hear you! (Mumbling) I won't have the bone soup tomorrow anyway.
CM: Why can’t you understand all I did is just for you! The more soup you have, the less torture you will get from your “so called” fiancĂ©.
Caroline: How dare you! How dare you saying my Eric is a “so-called” fiancĂ©?
CM: Caroline! Is this the way how you talk to me! I am your mom! Not your servant! Do you think what I did is not enough? I took care of you all by myself, ALL BY MYSELF after your father left! Why can’t you understand my pain! Why can’t you listen to me for JUST one second! Oh, Caroline, Caroline, over all, you are still a Haitian girl. Haitian girls marry Haitian husbands who can give them a better life… But look at your Eric! Your are a school teacher and he is just a janitor! I can see your terrible future without thinking! YOU,are the shame of our whole family!
Caroline: I am the shame of this family? Ok, ok, I'm done. I'm so done with it. I'm so done with the every day bone soup. I'm so done with you! Now you've said what you'd always been thinking in your mind. Yes, I don't understand you because I'm not a Haitian. I am an American! (slams the door and exits)
Scene Two: (Stage changes. Living room-->the mother’s room. At night)
Caroline: That stubborn old lady must be sleeping right now. Is there any of my stuff left in her room? (Enters the mother’s room, walks soundlessly towards the wardrobe and opens the drawer)
(Takes out an old diary) what is this? Diary? It should be mom’s.(starts reading)
‘Today you left. I stood at the wharf, watching you left. That figure on boat now is gone.’ (Lights off at C’s side. Lights on at CM’s side)
CM:( mumbling, washing dishes in Kitchen) I still remember a boy. It was a rainy day. I stood at the wharf, watching you left. That figure on boat is gone…
Scene Three:
Boy: (Holds an umbrella)I never know today will rain, seems like the city doesn't want me to leave. I hope the day were sunny, not a rainy.
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