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Poetry Analysis 2

There are many strategies by which poets increase the effect of their words and one of those is the repetition of words, images, sounds and the like. In the work of ONE poet you have studied, show how various kinds of repetition have allowed poets to heighten their meaning. Words and phrases in Emily Dickinson’s poems are always concise and strong. In the poem “ I Dwell in Possibility-- ”, the repetitions of sounds and images convey the poet’s clear praise for poetries. Rather than talking about family or nature, “I Dwell in Possibility--” discusses more about “poetry” itself and the poet’s thoughts about poetry. It is a poem about the possibilities in poetries that the speaker can always keep imagining and creating when composing her work. The most obvious stylistic feature Dickinson uses is the repetition of similar sounds, such as “prose” “doors” “eye” “sky” “hands” and “paradise”. These words either sounds alike or have the same consonant “s”. In the first stanza, the speak...

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